Pre-Judgment Speculation (Pitch Day Sept 19th!)

Our top-17 are pitching to our round of judges on the 19th of September.  Of course, it’s nerve wracking to say the least!  Except for one judge, we have no inroads into the minds of our judges.  One can only speculate whether our judges are conservative, moderate, or aggressive. 

Pitch Day

Well, they say that you always remember your firsts, and every thing from here on will pile up on the success of our First Pitch Day.  As our first class of Softtek Innoventures gears up for Pitch Day, we have no clue what to expect, adding to the suspense and joys of Firsts! 

Following Pitch Day, we will post a Blog to announce our 9-winners, who march on to join the Softtek Innoventures Bootcamp.  Our top-9 will have much to prove.  Over the next three months, they will have to identify possible customers, develop a delivery strategy with customers, develop a financial model, and begin development of a MVP (minimum viable product) in partnership with a customer.  This round of judges will take into account expected success when evaluating each of the initiatives being presented. 

As of now, as a stimulating activity, we can contemplate the impending conclusion of the Idea Submission stage.  Our ideas can also be spread across three buckets:  conservative, moderate, and aggressive.  Conservative ideas are those that are completely aligned with Softtek’s current business.  Moderate ideas lend to Softtek’s mission to expand into more software products and solutions, but those that continue to further the company’s core business.  Aggressive ideas present technologies and solutions that are perhaps disruptive in industries and markets in which Softtek currently does not operate in and diverges from Softteks’ expected growth strategies.

Innoventures has no previous data to gauge what our judges expect from their investments.  We know that innovation is viewed as essential – as the tool to guide Softtek to new frontiers.  However, what these philosophies translate to in terms on investing in an idea remains to be seen.

Here’s the landscape of our initiatives.  In a week from now, we’ll present our findings and end this suspense.  Good luck to all our participants.  


Topics: innoventures projects, innoventures ideas, innoventures pitch

What is Softtek Innoventures?

Softtek Innoventures is an initiative aimed at driving innovation and entrepreneurship within Softtek. We are committed to making a valuable impact on Mexico’s expanding entrepreneurial culture and startup ecosystem.

Softtek Innoventures was set up as a multi-national program, working across borders in the US and in Mexico City.

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